Group Tutoring (2-4 Students)

Click here to fill out the preliminary interest form for group tutoring

Group tutoring can be a cost-effecive, efficient way for students to gain benefits that are similar to those from private, 1-on-1 tutoring. Group tutoring works if both of the following conditions are met:

1) All the students are well matched intellectually. The students’ starting scores—10th grade PSAT or PLAN or a more recent mock exam—should be within 50 points on every section on the PSAT and within 4 points on every section of the PACT (PLAN). 
2) The students commit to a separate time outside of class (~ 1 hour) during  which they review their practice sections together, explaining to one another any easy or medium-diffulty questions that one person got corrrect but the other(s) did not. 

Please note: For group tutoring, I ask that parents block out and pay for 4 sessions in advance. After those 4 sessions are pre-booked, the class will proceed, even if any student cannot make the session. The student(s) who have to miss class, however, can still be involved in the class if they email Mr. Luu a list of the questions they would like him to explain in their absence; during class, Mr. Luu will explain these questions and email the absent student(s) a copy of the class video.     © Khoi Luu 2020